Hoot Boutique Giveaway!

All items c/o Hoot Boutique

Modern Burlap Swaddle Blanket: Here
Haven Bandit Beanie: Here
Mom's Main Dude Tee: Here
Overrated Tee: Here
Wild World Tee: Here
Jinx Romper: Here

I am so excited to tell you about this cute online boutique I recently came across that is just my type! It is called Hoot Boutique and Sandra, the owner, like me had scoured the interwebs for her favorite items for her little guy and decided why not have them available all in one place? So, she started her own shop where she partners with her favorite brands to bring it all to you in one stop! She also designs her own line of tees for the babes that are also available in her shop! I love the modern style she has to offer, it fits perfectly with my style. She just released a bunch of new rompers this last weekend and some leggings and jumpers will be coming this week so you need to check them out asap! 

Also, there is a Hoot giveaway on our Instagram so make sure you enter that as well!

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Don't forget to enter the Mindy Mae's Market giveaway to celebrate their HUGE sale that starts tomorrow! 

Mindy Mae's Market SALE and GIVEAWAY

We are SO excited for the Mindy Mae's Market sale starting on Wednesday! Items will be 20-60% off! Above are the sale dates and details, and here are some rules to the sale from Mindy Mae's Market:

1. We cannot adjust, combine, cancel, or add to existing orders once the order has been placed, as we will start shipping immediately. (double check your order! size, color, address, etc) 

2. We will not be price adjusting any items purchased prior to the sale. 

3. We will not be restocking any items during the sale, everything available will be listed.

4. Please refer to the sizing guidelines and models sizing on the listing when choosing a size. 

5. Orders $50 and up will still ship FREE! (US only) 

6. We will ship in the order received, but please allow 3-4 day shipping timeframe (unless 
otherwise noted on a listing) just in case! 

7. Most items are on their last production run, so if you want it... get it now! 

8. Due to the deep discounts:: ALL items during this sale are FINAL SALE! (again, double 
check your order!) 

Make sure to enter the giveaway below to win $50 to shop at the sale!

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Leather Sleeve V-Neck

Photos: Lindsay Teter
Shoes: J.Crew
Necklace: Bauble Bar
Watch: Fossil
Bracelets: Alex & Ani

I am obsessed with the leather sleeved v-necks that Mindy Mae's Market has! They are so soft and really long. Plus you can never go wrong with some leather detailing. Am I right?? Mindy Mae's Market is staring their huge sale on Wednesday (April 1st), so make sure you get one of these tops! They are guaranteed to sell out quick. Make sure to enter the giveaway below for $50 store credit!

Also, I was able to guest post on Life Could Be a Dream on Saturday so make sure to check it out HERE. I'm talking all about how to afford J.Crew on a budget. 


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A HUGE Sale is Coming!

Floral Sleeve Tunic: Mindy Mae's Market
Sandals: Target // Similar
Watch: Arvo
Bracelets: Alex and Ani

This is big... a HUGE sale is coming to Mindy Mae's Market! April 1-5 and this is no April Fools joke people! If you were able to snag your favorites in the last sale they had you know these prices are amazing and cannot be missed! So many new items have been added recently so if you haven't seen them yet, you better get over there asap and start staking out the items you want! Also if you ever are wondering about when certain items(like the striped floral sleeve tunic I'm wearing above) will be restocked or when another huge sale will be you can check out this In The Know page and pretty much know all of their secrets! 

Ps I know I have a lot of favorites lately, but this striped tunic is literally my favorite. It is so pretty with the floral sleeves and it is such a nice thickness that you definitely don't need to worry about it being see-through. According to their site it should be restocking at the end of this month so keep your eyes out for it and watch for the sale! 

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A Quick Hello

Photos: Lindsay Teter
Top: J.Crew
Shoes: J.Crew
Necklace: Bauble Bar
Watch: Fossil
Bracelets: Alex & Ani

Happy Thursday everyone! I'm excited it's almost the weekend. It has definitely been a long week with some highs and lows, and I'm ready to just relax! Do you guys have anything fun planned for this weekend? 

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Faux Leather: A Pregnancy Staple

Cardigan: Target
Tank: H&M (old)
Leggings: Forever 21 (unavailable) // Nordstrom
Leopard Slip-ons: Ross // Similar 

Happy 21 weeks to my little guy! We're slowly starting to work on his nursery and I can't even tell you how excited I am to get that going! Every night I wish I was able to stay home from school so I could be getting stuff ready for his room instead. Priorities... 

Leggings have already become one of my pregnancy staples, my jeans lasted me a while but everyday they get a little more uncomfortable so I'm gladly making the transition over to leggings. My all time favorite pair are my faux leather leggings! I love that they are simple and comfortable yet they add a bit of edginess to any outfit. I am also still pretty obsessed with these leopard slip ons that I scored at Ross for super cheap! Definitely go check out those stores when you can because I have found some of my very favorite items there! 


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My Favorite Denim

Photos: Lindsay Teter

Top: Old Navy (old) Similar // Similar
Shoes: Tory Burch
Purse: Coach (old) Similar
Watch: Fossil
Bracelets: Alex & Ani

Today I'm linking up with Jana at Life Could Be a Dream for The Creative's Closet as well as Erin from The Fashion Canvas for the Trend Spin Linkup! It's all about denim today, and I must say-I love a good pair of jeans. The only place that I have consistently shopped for jeans is at American Eagle. I know exactly what size I wear in every type of jean they offer, and I love that they have deals on their jeans often. I never buy jeans there full price. And the best part about their jeans? They last FOREVER! I have yet to rip a pair of jeans because they have a good stretch to them. 

Okay enough about jeans because I have a public service announcement that will make you want to mark your calendars! Mindy Mae's Market is having one of their HUGE sales starting April1st. You do NOT want to miss it. The problem is a lot of their stuff runs out of stock because the deals are so great. Make sure to check out their website HERE and see what you want (I already bought the gold sandals just to make sure they wouldn't sell out) and get ready for April 1st! And if you just can't wait for their sale-stock up now! 


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Out with the New, In with the Old!

Jacket: Target (unavailable) // Similar
Skirt: Lucy & Lyla (unavailable) Find other pencil skirts HERE and HERE
Sandals: Target (old) // Similar , Similar
Watch: Arvo
Bracelets: Alex and Ani

I've been trying to save money with this babe on the way so instead of going out and buying a bunch of new maternity clothes, I've been trying to reevaluate clothes that I already own. This is was something that I should have been doing even before becoming pregnant because I feel like I would forget what clothes I had and things would get pushed to the back of my dresser or closet never to be seen again. I felt like I never had anything to wear and that I needed to go get more things, which my husband loved, let me tell you... I've made it a point to go through my clothes multiple times now and create "new" outfits that I had never thought of combing before. This "new" outfit(above) that I am now obsessed with was all items that have been being neglected in my closet for months. It has been so fun trying out new combinations especially with my stretchy skirts and I'm really loving what I've been coming up with! It really feels like I've gotten new items even though I haven't. This is definitely something I recommend everyone doing from time to time or when it feels like your outfits have become a little stale because you might find a whole new set of favorite outfits!

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Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes by Younique

My friends and family know that I have always been particular about my eyelashes. I'm always trying to find the best mascara, or I'm spending money on fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions. I absolutely love having eyelash extensions on because I feel like they are so easy! You just wake up and go in the morning. I hardly ever wear makeup with them on. The downside is that they can be expensive, and the upkeep can be annoying. When I stop getting eyelash extensions, I typically wear the fake glue on eyelashes. Those are nice, but only last a couple of times before you're out buying more. 

When we were asked to try out the Moodstruck 3D lashes by Younique I was a little skeptical. I felt like the mascara I was using was really good, and that my eyelashes were nice and long. Boy was I wrong! You can see in the photos above about what a difference this mascara makes! I was instantly impressed with the volume and thickness. Now when I'm just wearing my regular mascara, I feel naked! My eyelashes just don't pop the same way. I've now been using the mascara for about 3 weeks and it is still amazing! I'm getting better at applying it without clumps, and sometimes I'll even do it twice over to make my eyelashes even bigger and fuller. 

I'll be doing a video to talk about it a little bit more, which hopefully will be posted soon. In the meantime, you can purchase the mascara HERE, or you can call my friend Melissa 801-865-1170. You can also email her at: sagermimi@hotmail.com. I hope you guys enjoy the mascara as much as I do! 


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**The winner of the Freshly Picked giveaway is @jentreyhone! Congrats! Please email us: arrowsandapricots@gmail.com**

LulaRoe Baseball Tee Dress

Dress: c/o LulaRoe by Brielle (Use code "BRIELLEDUBOIS for free shipping)
Chambray Button Up: Pacsun (old) // Similar
Shoes: Converse 
Watch; Arvo
Bracelets: Alex and Ani
Necklace: H&M (old)

I have always loved a basic baseball tee so naturally I was drawn to this LulaRoe baseball tee dress. This is definitely one of my current favorite outfits and I have a feeling it will be for a long time. It is so comfy and with my growing belly not really loving having the pressure of my skinny jeans on it so much these days, I will definitely be investing in more dresses like this! Not to mention it will help keep me cooler in the last hot summer months of my pregnancy. 
Don't be mistaken though, this isn't a maternity specific dress, it is just one of the many super comfy and stretchy dresses that LulaRoe has to offer they just so happen to be perfect for before, during pregnancy and after! I've had friends who swear upon LulaRoe dresses and I am so glad that Chelsea's friend, Brielle, is a fashion consultant for them and that I was finally able to give them a shot! You can find out more about her and how she runs the show HERE and HERE!

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